Wiki links are auto-converted to Hyperlinks
The theme will automatically convert wiki links to inline links. Similarly, [text](url)
will be converted to external links.
Markdown support
The theme supports all standard markdowns. Have a look at Markdown Rendered Private or Broken Links
The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
to see preview.
External Links are indicated
With link icon next to external links, it's easier to identify internal links and external links
Easy Front-Matter
Using frontmatter, it's easy to configure notes. The capability includes - feed order based on date, option to hide notes from feed, list layout and more.
Introducing List layout for Notes
With simple front matter configuration, you can build a list layout (Check CreditsCredits
Raghuveer, who created Simply Jekyll theme
Santosh Thottingal who introduced me to Digital Garden
Puttalu for OrgMode classes!
Team Obsidian for making obsidian a markdown based product
... for demo). This is helpful for building manual MoC :)
Static Homepage
Want to have a seperate home page instead of the feed? (Like my personal website) - You can configure that at _config.yml
by change homepage enabled to true.
Support Subpath
You can install Jekyll garden to a URL path, or a sub path ( To do that, just configure baseurl at _config.yml
Private files using .gitignore
Not a theme feature, but if you want to publish part of your obsidian, it's easy. Just create two folders inside _notes
(Say Public and Private), and use Gitignore to stop syncing your pirvate files with Github!